Meet: Gear Up Give Back


Say hello to The Oath’s first partnership ever, and also one of our favorite ways to give back to our mission!

Meet the Outside Gear Up, Give Back™ Program.

Outside teamed up with Bend, Oregon based company, The Gear Fix, to make it easy for anyone with gear to spare to donate their retired outdoor gear to support planet, inclusion, and adventure through The Outdoorist Oath.

We all end up retiring some of our equipment simply because we've moved on to something that works better for us. This program extends the lifecycle of existing products, makes gear more accessible to more people and raises funds for a cause - this year that cause is us, The Oath!

How it works

  1. Check out GUGB’s FAQ to learn what you can and cannot send

  2. Prepare your items for donation. (i.e. wash those dirty soles)

  3. Print your FREE shipping label

  4. Send your goods!

  5. Gear will be repaired as needed, re-sold or donated, and the proceeds will support our work!


Introducing: Stretch Sessions


Meet: Five Media